[TenTec] USP Drivers Response

Duane Budd dbudd@planetc.com
Fri, 27 Nov 1998 05:24:48 -0500

"Subject: [TenTec] Musings on the 'Dreaded/Damaged UPS Pkg.' from a Driver"
was a great posting and VERY informative.

I am among those who have never <knock wood!> had a problem with UPS, and I
have had a lot of UPS deliveries over the years.

Scott Robbins at Ten-Tec reads this reflector. I hope he takes a look at
"receipt required" for very valuable shipments, like a new Titan II, for

One comment: I should have thought that "negotiated contracts" would be no
problem in getting a receipt. It seems to me that's cheaper than paying for
that Titan II left in the rain. But what do I know?


Budd, K4AAE

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