[TenTec] Hercules II sold, Paragon still looking for a good home

Steve Zettel zettel@homer.libby.org
Sun, 29 Nov 1998 14:29:15 -0700

Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest; the Hercules II is spoken for.

Still have a dandy Paragon with all the options, looking for a good home:

Paragon I, with all the options: This includes 6, 2.4, 1.8, .5 and .25 filters, and FM  				   
				 adaptor, voice readout and RS232 board. Case and front 
                                 panel are spotless, Two small holes drilled on top of
                                 heatsink where a fan was mounted (not currently 
                                 installed). Manual and hand mic included.
                                 Ten Tec gets $1275.00 w/o the filters!
                                 $1100.00 + shipping

Thanks and 73,

Steve Zettel  KJ7CH
near Libby, MT USA


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