[TenTec] RE: (OMNI) Relay disable

Dale L. Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 17:00:45 -0500

>Providing, of course, you don't loose that
>little plastic cover between the time you make
>the "cardboard mod" and the time you trade in
>the radio!
>Karl K. - W8TIF

Also, as a backup, use your QSL card all folded up.  That way,
when you do sell it to some unsuspecting ham, and after he/she
has gone through much aggravation, troubleshooting, phone calls
to T-T, etc., he/she can contact you easily.  :-)

Maybe just taping a note to yourself to remove the relay contact
'block' would be beneficial.  I know I'd forget about it

Or just leave the relay cover lying around inside the radio.
When you pick up the radio to sell it or use it elsewhere, the
cover bouncing around inside would be a good reminder that you
need to remove the 'block' and replace the relay cover.
dale, kg5u

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