[TenTec] Need KR-20 Keyer parts??

AE0Q V31RY v31ry@ix.netcom.com
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 23:49:08 -0700

  Hello all;

  I am gutting a Ten Tec KR-20 keyer and building into it's shell a Super
CMOS-3 (with the original iambic paddles attached)..

  The KR-20 works perfectly now.  Does anyone with a KR-20 want the two
circuit boards for spares for $5.00 (shipped)?  I'll leave the wires long
when I cut the boards out..

73  --  Glenn
 Another month ends...   All targets met, all systems 
 working, all customers satisfied, all staff eager and
 enthusiastic.    All pigs fed and ready to fly.

     AEØQ / V31RY           ex: GM5BKC, ZB2WZ, SVØWY, WAØVPK
  v31ry@ix.netcom.com    --SOWP 5558-M, QCWA LM, ARRL LM, NCVA--

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