[TenTec] FS: Ten-Tec PM3A QRP - LOWER PRICE!

Ken fsr567@sk.sympatico.ca
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 02:27:29 -0600

         Ten-Tec PM3A QRP rig 40 & 20 meters
	   Includes manual with servicing info . . . $125US

         Price includes shipping to Canada or US (lower 48 states)

The rig is in very good condition for it's age. All the labeling is good.
There are some scratches. The worst one is from a previous owner, who's
drill slipped when he was drilling a hole for a mini head phone jack.
Nothing major, depends on what angle you look at the rig and does not affect
the way it works. It was recently checked out by a ham who runs a local
service shop. He told me it is perfect working order
and was surprised by the sensitivity of the receiver.


		 QRP CW Transceiver, 5w on 40 and 20m (with full band coverage).
		 Synchronous direct conversion receiver with dual-gate MOSFET
		 (receives CW, SSB and AM), slide-rule dial, sidetone and
		  break in keying.

                            POWER-MITE  - PM3A
                              (from Manual)


                The power-Mite 3 and 3A are self-contained CW transceivers
             ing 40 and 20 meters.  The receiver is comprised of a variable
             lator operating on the received frequency, a mixer and high
gain audio
             amplifier.  The received signal is converted directly to audio
where a
             filter eliminates undesirable signals, and then amplified to
             level by a high gain audio amplifier.  The variable oscillator
             7.0 - 7.3 MHz for 40 meter operation and is doubled to 14.0 to
             MHz to cover 20 meters.

                The transmitter  driven from the same oscillator-multiplier
             for receiving, has an isolation stage, driver and push-pull
             amplifier.  It is keyed in the buffer stage.  The output
circuit is
             a Pi network to match 50-75 ohm unbalanced loads.  A side-tone
             lator with  variable frequency and volume is keyed long with
             buffer stage.


             	Frequency range:           BAND            RANGE
                              	          40          7.0- 7.3 MHz
                          	                20         14.0-14.6 MH2

                	Size:  4" H, 10-1/8" W, 7-1/2" D.  Shipping weight  4 lbs.
              	Finish:   Baked enamel with Cycolac sidepanels and wood grain
              	Power:    12 volts 30 ma. on receive, 460 ma. on transmit
                  Semiconductor devices:	 1  Dual gate MOSFET
                                        	 1  Integrated circuit
                                        	10  Silicon transistors
             	Types of reception:      CW - SSB - AM
                	Sensitivity:  Less than one microvolt  provides readable
	            Antenna input:  50-75 ohms
              	Selectivity:    2 KC at 6 db down points
                	Audio: Out put impedance - 1000 ohms,
				 frequency response - +/- 3 db, 200 Hz - 2500 Hz
                  Frequency stability:     Less than 100 Hz drift
                  Transmitter   Power-5 watts input,
					  Output impedance 50-75 ohms, Pi network
                  Headphones:   Front panel tip jacks are provided
                                *(miniature phone jack added by previous
                  Key:   Phono jack is provided on rear apron

Ken - VE5KC

E-Mail  - ve5kc@qsl.net     
        - fsr567@sk.sympatico.ca
Web sites:
    KC's Amateur Radio Page - http://www.qsl.net/ve5kc/
    KC's Canada Page - http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/fsr567/Canada.html

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