[TenTec] A Message to the Digest Subscribers

Jim Lowman jmlowman@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:26:44 -0700

Good morning!

With Jim's (AD1C) intervention, we now have a working digest again.
It seems that some other changes were needed when I took over the 
lists from Ed.  Jim has taken care of that, and I noticed digests
556-569 were in my mailbox today.  Also received a couple of messages
from individuals who had sent e-mail to me directly, confirming that
they were now receiving the digests.

It could have been worse.  There are more than 100 subscribers to the
digested version of the list, and I heard from 12 or so of you.  Makes
me wonder what the other 90+ subscribers are doing with their digests.

Anyway, I apologize for the inconvenience.  In this case, I had done 
everything possible on my end, as I am just a remote user of the
Majordomo software, with some extra privileges that relate to list
administration.  I'm located a long way from where the server is
located, physically.

If anyone has any questions, gripes, comments, etc. in the future, I
can be reached at:  


73 de Jim - AD6CW
Tentec List Administrator

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