[TenTec] pc interference in my Omni V
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 10:26:52 -0400
That's what happens when you get into the hive with a bunch of "Sons of
On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 15:46:08 -0400 Scott Howell <whowell@hq.nasa.gov>
>ok, I knew you guys were gonna pick on me. Well ok I had bees on the
>brain. Now I know beeds are really beads and bees are bad news. See if
>you'd guys send me more coffee in the morning to read with my E-mail,
>get these little things straight.
>aaahhh! hell bees beads beeds buzz fuzz fuz was a bear and he had no
>hair. well neither do I.
>huh! there ya go<<g>
>73 de Scott/n3byy
>who can't spell spell hi hi
>At 09:28 AM 04/12/1999 +0000, Thos. Wade Patton wrote:
><excerpt>Well, if you use honey, you could get rid of the bees. But
>it wouln't be wine. It would be MEAD!!!
>At 08:07 AM 4/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>I have connected my Omni V to my computer. I get a<bold><italic> wine
></italic>now, but isn't
>>overly annoying, but is there nevertheless. Seems the filters make it
>>away, but I am wondering what could be the cause Its a standard
>>cable and as soon as I disconnect it, the noise goes away. I tried a
></italic>>on there, but maybe not enough.
>>Any other thoughts would be appreciated while I look for more
><bold><italic>beeds</italic> to try.
>>tnx es 73 de Scott/n3byy
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