[TenTec] Re:Ten-Tec tubes sound great
Steve Ellington
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 08:38:15 -0400 (EDT)
I already guessed the HW-16 and Larry said no. First, It had a built in
VFO. The HW-16 didn't. Second, It covered 80-10. The HW-16 didn't. Also,
it was CW only (how refreshing). The only rigs I can think of that meet
those requirements are the Johnson Navigator and Lysco 600. The Century
21, 22 comes close but of course they were solid state and were
SO again, here's the criteria:
1. Must be a transmitter only
2. Must be cw only
3. Must have a built in vfo
4. Must use tubes
> I believe the Heathkit rig everybody's referring to was the HW-16. It
> was made for the Novice market and was a combination crystal controlled
> transmitter and receiver, built into one cabinet. It covered 80, 40 and
> 15 meters CW. An optional VFO was available (VF-10?)if the novice
> wanted to use the rig later when he/she upgraded. Those were the days
> when novices were limited to 75 watts crystal controlled.
Steve Ellington N4LQ
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