[TenTec] Ten-Tec 1253 SW Receiver Kit

rohre rohre@arlut.utexas.edu
15 Apr 1999 16:26:17 -0500

This 1253 is a regenerative receiver kit, the standard way hams got on the air
CW only in the 1930's and a lot of beginning hams in the 1950's!  Yes, it will
hear CW, but takes a learned skill to tune optimally.

It is an excellent introduction to SWL and ham world, but is not a very
selective receiver for ham use.  It is however, very sensitive with just a
short wire antenna.

I would suggest either this as a starter kit, if he can solder well, or you
can teach him; --or, get him the Ten Tec direct conversion receiver, which is
available for any single band.  It is about $24 if memory serves, look for TT
kits on their web site.

The 1254 kit is the top of the line-- is a state of the art SWL and general
coverage superhet, but way to complex for first time kit builders, Over 400
parts. It is a little wide but useable for CW receiver.  Excellent tuning,
SSB, AM, and better sensitivity on 80 and 160 than a Kenwood 450!

73, Stuart K5KVH

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