[TenTec] Triton Panels

Michael O. Hyder Michael O. Hyder" <N4NT@wireco.net
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:52:08 -0400


I am checking the feasibility of having a silkscreen made to refurbish
Triton front panels.  I asked Ten-Tec if they had any objection, but have
not received a reply as yet.  Cannot imagine why they would object, but
we'll see. . .

If you are interested in having a Triton panel re-screened, please email me
direct and tell me the model Triton you have.  As I said, this is just a
feasibility study and prices will vary depending on how many we can round up
who are interested.  If the Triton experiment works out, maybe we'll try the
Omni's, but they seemed to hold up better - maybe because of the bigger
knobs or better paint or something. . .

The way it would work is that you would remove the panel from your Triton
and ship it to me to arrive by a certain date.  That way we would have as
many as possible for the printer to do at one whack.  Then the panel would
be shipped back to you.  My interest in this is for love and NOT for money.

This may be a lost cause, but we never know until we ask, huh?

73 de Mike --- for this endeavor, please send your email to
Mike@wireco.net - that way I can sort it out easier.

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