[TenTec] Counterpoise Kit?

Carl Hyde cshyde@yahoo.com
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 06:12:43 -0700 (PDT)

Hi James
I built the kit for of the counterpoise because my
previous QTH was a second floor apartment and the only
ground I had was the baseboard heater pipes.  I also
used a long wire and had rf in the shack problems. 
The TT counterpoise was the cure.  It works great and
got me operating without stray rf and provides a fine
signal.  With 50 feet of wire your friend should be
able to work 40 meters on up.  The counterpoise wire
can be run alond the baseboard, under carpets etc to
prevent a trip hazard,  Just be aware that hi voltages
can be present at the end of the wire so keep it out
of reach of pets and children.  I ran mine under the
carpet padding and it worked fine. The kit takes about
two hours at the most to assemble and is fun to build.
Kudos to you for helping a HandiHam to enjoy the
If you need any other details don't hesitate to email.

--- JAMES T BRANNIGAN <JTBRANNIGAN@prodigy.net> wrote:
>     I've got this blind ham friend who lives in a
> second story apartment. I ran
>     50ft of wire out to a tree from his TenTec tuner
> and connected the rig to a
>     water pipe ground. He gets RF bites on most
> bands for obvious reasons.
>     I see TenTec sells a counterpoist tuner. Has
> anyone dealt with this problem
>     and tried a gadget like this? Here's the link.
> Look it over and tell me what
>     you think. We can't put up a decent antenna due
> to restrictions.
>     http://www.tentec.com/Amateur.htm
>     The is a much simpler, cheaper solution.  Get
> hold of some FLAT 4 conductor rotor cable. (Try
> Radio shack)
>     Buy enough to be a 1/4 wave long at your lowest
> operating frequency.
>     At ONE end solder all four wires to a solder lug
> that will fit on the ground stud of the radio.
>     Now measure and cut the OTHER end to be 1/4
> wavelength at the lowest operating frequency.
>     Measure a 1/4 wavelength at your next lowest
> band, and peel back and cut off the excess three of
> the wires.
>     next lowest frequency two wires and so on....if
> you operate on more than four bands, start another
> set of four wires.....
>     Run the counterpoise in as straight a line as
> possible.  You can tuck it in the base board or
> around the ceiling and into the next room(s).
>     Length is not critical and is easy to adjust by
> adding or cutting the wire....
>     This should take care of RF on the chassis.
>     Jim

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    <DIV><FONT face=Arial
    <DIV>I've got this blind ham friend who lives in a
second story apartment. I 
    ran<BR>50ft of wire out to a tree from his TenTec
tuner and connected the 
    rig to a<BR>water pipe ground. He gets RF bites on
most bands for obvious 
    reasons.<BR><BR>I see TenTec sells a counterpoist
tuner. Has anyone dealt 
    with this problem<BR>and tried a gadget like this?
Here's the link. Look it 
    over and tell me what<BR>you think. We can't put
up a decent antenna due to 

    is a much simpler, cheaper solution.&nbsp; Get
hold of some FLAT 4 conductor 
    rotor cable. (Try Radio shack)</DIV>
    <DIV>Buy enough to be a 1/4 wave long at your
lowest operating 
    <DIV>At ONE end solder all four wires to a solder
lug that will fit on the 
    ground stud of the radio.</DIV>
    <DIV>Now measure and cut the OTHER end to be 1/4
wavelength at the lowest 
    operating frequency.</DIV>
    <DIV>Measure a 1/4 wavelength at your next lowest
band, and peel back and 
    cut off the excess three of the wires.</DIV>
    <DIV><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=3>next lowest
frequency two wires and so 
    on....if you operate on more than four bands,
start another set of four 
    <DIV><FONT color=#000000><FONT
    <DIV>Run the counterpoise in as straight a line as
possible.&nbsp; You can 
    tuck it in the base board or around the ceiling
and into the next 
    <DIV>Length is not critical and is easy to adjust
by adding or cutting the 
    <DIV>This should take care of RF on the
    <DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>


Politics: From the Greek word Poli, meaning many and
the word tics, meaning blood sucking parasites.

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