[TenTec] filter installation

Scott Howell whowell@hq.nasa.gov
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 07:45:30 -0400

ok folks, help!.
Please tell me I did something wrong or that this is the exspected outcome.
I installed the 500hz filter modle 217 where the 1.8 modle 218 was in my
This was the filter sitting by itself and as you look at the rig upside
down with the front facing you, the filter next to the other filters which
are in a row on the right side and this one is by itself to the left and
sitting sideways.
I put it in so the writing as you look at it is reading correctly from left
to right.
I turned on the rig and noticed the audio was much lower than before. Is
this exspected or did I put the filter in backward. I don't know if they
can be installed backward or not. I also need to check to be sure I didn't
bump that little wire that runs along side the other filters. Can't
remember what that wire does, but in any case please someone tell me this
is normal.
I didn't think the new filter should drop the audio from being a bit noisy
to being so quiet. Seems though the Omni is still hearing well, but I like
to know what others have to say just so I know I didn't do something bad<g>.

tnx es 73 de Scott/n3byy

btw, if anyone wants the 218 filter, I'll take $60 shipped.

73 de Scott/n3byy

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