[TenTec] Arrrrggggg

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. geraldj@ames.net
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:01:01 -0600

Heyden, Alfred wrote:
> Hallo, friends,
> thanks to all of you who gave me hints what Arrrrggggg means. Now I'm well
> informed. I think in German we have an equivalent word coming from the
> Bavarians and is called
> 'Himmiherrgottssakramentkruzifixhallelujasaupreissn'. Everything o.k.?
> 73's Alfred, DL2JR
> mit freundlichen Gruessen
> @- Mail: alfred.heyden@bonn.de
> Amt 10-2, ADV-Abteilung
> Tel.: 0228/77.3869
> --

I think 'Himmiherrgottssakramentkruzifixhallelujasaupreissn' may be a
little strong. Arrrrgggg is for the top of the stairs at the beginning
of the fall after tripping over the sleeping cat.
'Himmiherrgottssakramentkruzifixhallelujasaupreissn' is for the bottom
of the stairs after the fall if still conscious.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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