[TenTec] Himmiherrgottsacramentkruzi... the last

Heyden, Alfred Alfred.Heyden@Bonn.de
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:10:59 +0100

Hello dear TT-friends,
I really enjoyed all the comments refer to

I didn't  expect such an echo. Therefore here is the solution of this word.
By the way, Jerry K0CQ, was very closed to the solution execpt the
I can give him 99 points. 

Himmi is short for Himmel or heaven in English
HerrGott  stands for the Lord
Sakrament is for a catholic one to be accompanied by great spiritual
Kruzifix means the holy cross
Halleluja is like hallelujah.

Untill this point the Bavarians using these words calling for the Lord's
benefits in any
extreme situation.

But now here comes the most important part of the whole game.

Saupreissn  the Bavarians append this to a lot of sentences or phrases.

Sau means some like piggy
Preissn are the Prussian people in the earlier Germany. All the Bavarian's
have got
a very strong hostility with her mothermilk in refer to prussian people
untill today, even
though the old Prussians are an extinct species.

A good hint for you all who plans to go on vacation in Bavaria you can say:
-Oh it's
raining, sau Preissn, dreckige (for dirty fellows)- or you say: what a
lovely country, sau 
Preissn, dreckige. 

I do promise in Bavaria it will open to you all the doors.

To all of you. I noticed your sence for humor and therefore you all are very
sympathetic to me.
I wish you all a good season, merry xmas, happy new-year and do enjoy every
day with your
TT-radio so I do. Bye
73's Alfred DL2JR
mit freundlichen Gruessen
@- Mail: alfred.heyden@bonn.de
Amt 10-2, ADV-Abteilung
Tel.: 0228/77.3869

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