[TenTec] Paragon tuning scheme

The Motley Crew hmmjr@erols.com
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 01:57:07 -0500

Paragon Model 585:

1st IF   75.0 Mhz.
2nd IF    9.0 Mhz
3rd IF    6.3 Mhz (SSB / CW / AM)
3rd IF    455 Khz (FM only with accessory FM board)

Carrier Osc / BFO frequencies:
LSB Rx        9.003000 Mhz
USB & CW Rx   9.000000 Mhz
CW Tx         9.000700 Mhz
RTTY M/S High 9.000705 Mhz
RTTY M/S Low  9.000875 Mhz

Accessory filters max of 3 (1.8, .500 .250 khz) go in 6.3 IF.
Standard filters 2.4 & 6.0 Mhz are in the 9.0 IF 

4 VCO'S Operating in the 75.1 to 105 Mhz range.

1  75.1 to 81.99999  covers ( .1  to  6.99999 Mhz)
2  82.0 to 88.99999  covers (7.0  to 13.99999 Mhz)
3  89.0 to 96.99999  covers (14.0 to 21.99999 Mhz)
4  97.0 to 105.0     covers (22.0 to 30  Mhz)  

Puck, W4PM

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