[TenTec] 2 annoying problems, Pegasus
M. Clark
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 11:07:31 -0500
At 07:23 AM 12/10/99 -0800, you wrote:
> I've not had any problems with lock ups, but when
>the computer is busy with something cpu intensive, the
>pod won't work until it's complete. I'm sure that's
>due to the fact that the pod just sends it's
>information to the Pegasus, and that data is sent to
>the software and then the software initiates the
>changes, like tune up or down, or a button has been
>pressed. A lot of the problems I've seen mentioned
>relate to the way Windows handles certain things. One
>has to do with not being able to enter the frequency
>directly if you're in another program. That problem is
>caused by the way Windows handles 'focus'. You can
>only input data from the keyboard when the application
>window has 'focus'. That is, when it's the selected
>window. When you think about it, it would very
>difficult to handle it any other way. Windows would
>have no idea where the data entered at the keyboard
>should go. There does seem to be a bug with the
>Pegasus software (1.62) that causes it to die when you
>try it.
[Rest snipped]
According to the programming manual, the pod merely sends serial data to
the PC software (routed thru the Peg). That doesn't count as keyboard
input unless the PC software actually sends it to the Windows API as such,
and maybe I am missing something, but I can't think of any good reason to
write the software that way. Owners have reported that the knob works when
the PC software doesn't have focus. There *should* be no reason that the
pod's F keys do otherwise--or am I missing something?
73, Malcolm WX4YZ
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