[TenTec] 705 mic

Jim/Liné McDonald n7us@arrl.net
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 18:57:08 -0700

When I bought a used Scout (never mobile), six extra modules, NB, 607
paddle, AND a 705 at a swapmeet a couple of weeks ago (for $400), I was told
the 705 is "amplified."  I think the seller assumed that due to the battery.
I said just, "Oh really?"

I haven't been able to try it yet, but I'm sure happy with the deal so far.
(No 30M module, which I assume means the paddle wasn't used.)

Jim McDonald N7US
Mesa, Arizona

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Carl Hyde
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 8:10 AM
To: Ten Tec
Subject: [TenTec] 705 mic

A few days ago someone posted a question or comment
about having "RF" on their audio using a 705 mic. I
suggested that the battery in their 705 mic may be
dead and need replacement.  One of the usual wiseasses
emailed me that there was no battery in the 705 mic
that he had so therefore there are no 9v batteries in
any 705. Just to make sure I wasn't seeing things I
turned over my 705 mic last night and sure enough
there is a 9v battery in my 705 mic. I remember when I
received this mic from Ten Tec, for use on the Delta
II I had, that I received really bad audio reports
when I first used it. I called Ten Tec and they said
turn it over and put a battery in it. Sure enough
putting in a battery made it work.  So if any of you
would like to see pictures of my very rare battery and
battery compartment in the only 705 mic ever
manufactured with a 9v battery please email me.

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