[TenTec] Best Straight Key

Pete Ferrand pete@vermontel.net
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:13:46 -0500

> only have been developed by a phone man. Very few useful code
> combinations can be sent using it. Far more useful is
> the "ultimatic"
> logic of yesteryear. For those unfamiliar with it,
> squeeze both paddles
> and the last to close takes control, no mindless

I never realized this from the original Ultimatic articles but if
this is so great - and it sounds like it might be - why not just
write a pc program so any old computer can be turned into a keyer
with these, or any other, for that matter, features. Or have
someone do it. I think we've mostly all got old computers around,
may as well play with those instead of yet another keyer.

Plainfield, NH

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