[TenTec] Hercules II Power Source
Jim Reid
Sat, 25 Dec 1999 13:27:55 -1000
Ten Tec advises of an alternative to the expensive
100 amp supply for the Herc. amp: "Heavy duty,
deep cycle lead-acid battery and an automatic
10 amp charger".
What should the battery rating be; what would
I shop for? Are they talking about one of those
larger batteries used on boats and big trucks?
I looked in Sears; they offer but one type of
"deep cycle" battery, did not appear to be a
"heavy duty" unit, at least what was in the store
in Lihue and no one there seemed to know much
about it, hi. Probably should check at the Daleco
battery shop here on the island.
Is the automatic charger to remain "on" and connected
constantly across the battery terminals, even while
the amp is in operation; or are you only on "battery"
during operation with the battery charger "off" and/or
disconnected? Can the auto charger introduce hum
onto the power to the amp, and thus to the output
signal, if it were left connected and "on".
What happens if you parallel, say, a 50 amp Astron
(RS-70M, rated 57 amps continuous, 70 amp ICS)
power supply to this set up? Astron, of course shut
"off" when the amp is to be "off", but the charger operating
"automatically" across the deep cycle battery.
Lots of questions.
Thanks, have a great Holiday Season,
73, Jim, KH7M
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