[TenTec] Batteries - my 2 cents worth

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. geraldj@ames.net
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 11:08:06 -0600

Minor problem: 510 ampere hours means 510 amps for 1 hour, 51 amps for
10 hours, 5.1 amps for 100 hours, not 510 amps for 6 hours, but its a
BIG battery. A typical battery moveable by one man without a lot of pain
has about 70 ampere hours capacity. Most batteries are rated at a ten
hour load because the capacity is smaller at higher currents, and
greater at smaller current. They still respond to constant voltage
charging and regularly topping up the electrolyte with distilled water
and the occasional equalizing charge.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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