[TenTec] pegasus and blown finals

David McClafferty at060@chebucto.ns.ca
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 22:55:01 -0400 (AST)

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Bill Taylor(W4WBT) wrote:

> Well, I just had my first bad expereinc e with my Pegasus. While 
> operating, the finals apparently have blown. I am drawing 4 to 6 amps 
> MAX with about 8 watts out on 75 and less to none on the higher 
> bands. Out of all my TenTec rigs I have owned, this is the first time 
> I have lost finals. I have tried reloading software and nothing helps 
> so I guess its a trip back to Tentec in the AM. Anyone else had a 
> problem?
> Bill Taylor
I had a similar problem and replaced the finals. It didn't make a heck of
a lot of difference. I eventually traced the problem to a shorted pin
diode in the receive bandpass filter switching. This short messed up the
logic and the 20 meter transmit filter was in the circuit all the time.
The only bands it would work properly on were the ones above 20 meters.
Try it on 10 meters and if that works, work your way down through the
bands until you find the highest one that doesn't work, then check the
receive pin diodes for that band. If it's the same problem I had that will
bring it to light and save the expense of new finals. I think the ones I
removed from mine were probably OK but I'm not going to risk the
posibiliity of damageing the board by resolder just to prove it.

				73, es gud luk, Dave, VE1ADH

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