[TenTec] stupid OMNI tricks

Clark Savage Turner csturner@falcon.csc.calpoly.edu
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 08:46:37 -0800 (PST)

This is a fun discussion.  Just a few more comments.

1. Who cares if the RF gain interacts with the SWR reading? (Well,
as long as minimum is still roughly minimum.....for those who
actually USE the SWR meter in the rig.)

2. Who expects accuracy from the internal SWR meter anyway?  I
only expect a relative reading for those times when the external
meter is broken or I am in an emergency situation.  If anyone 
doesn't have an external meter and needs a better one than is 
internal to the OMNI VI, write back to me, I have at least one

3. Remember that the SWR reading (and wattmeter reading) will
often be different at different spots along the coax to the
antenna.  Your meter may read one reading, then you have 6 feet 
of coax, and the meter on the rig gives a different reading.
This is sometimes a GOOD thing.  If you don't have a good match
from some antenna, try adding (or subtracting) a little coax to 
see if it looks better to the rig.  (Doesn't help the actual 
antenna situation, but makes it look better to the rig.)

4. Relax.  Don't panic at the idiosynchrasies of the rig (yow,
is my vocabulary that big?)

5. Corsair and Argosy owners who are gloating beware!  I will
start to trot out the stupid rig tricks you can play with those
rigs to the great shame of the whole crowd of you :-)  hi hi hi.


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