[TenTec] Ads + New Equipment
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 16:12:29 -0500
I did not say most hams were on CW today. I did say that mid-day CW
activity is greater today than decades ago. I remember those earlier years
as being very quiet during the day, especially 40M. The percentage of hams
using CW may be less than those old days, but it is well represented on the
ham bands, none-the-less.
I would never hope for the crowded condx of the fone bands, even if it were
Put up a 40 mtr beam or some phased verticals and aim them NE, Jim...
All is not well, but it isn't dead, and never will be.
At 02:12 PM 2/5/99 +0000, you wrote:
>No, No NO, I will never believe there is more CW activity today than in
>the 1950's. In 1950 the 40 meter band was loaded during the day, and
>most hams of that era were on CW. Do you really believe that most hams
>today are on CW, and that trend is continuing?
>Jim, K5ROV
>w8au@sssnet.com wrote:
>> Jim:
>> Possibly it's your QTH....but here in the Northeast there is no lack of CW
>> activity during the day...from 40 meters on up.
>> Having surveyed the CW scene since 1954, I notice MORE CW activity during
>> the day now than back in the 50's thru the 70's as there are many more
>> "Senior Hams" active now than then. There are also more retired folks.
>> It's true, you won't find many on during the day that are lower than the
>> age of 60, but this is normal.
>> Keep up the activity...keep that fist going, and keep TenTec happy!
>> Perry w8au
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