[TenTec] any way to RIT a V

patents@dx0man.prestel.co.uk patents@dx0man.prestel.co.uk
Sun, 07 Feb 1999 20:46:55 -0000 (GMT)

Well, we might meet up sooner than you think - I'm in the middle of
arranging a visit to the '99 Dayton Hamvention. Now that would be a
good time to get a heap of TenTec users together to compare notes ...
It would be even better if we could also get hold of at least one of
the service experts from TenTec, for a question and answer session.

Now back to fixing my Hercules II amplifier .. I just got thru fixing
the 253 ATU.

John G3JAG

On 07-Feb-99 John Lockhart wrote:
> FB John,
> Thanks for your fast response.  Sounds like my Omni V
> is working pretty much as it should!  Hope to QSO you
> some day - maybe on 10 CW when we get some sunspots 
> back!!
> 73,
> John  W0DC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: patents@dx0man.prestel.co.uk <patents@dx0man.prestel.co.uk>
> To: John Lockhart <jlockj@minn.net>
> Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 20:40
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] any way to RIT a V
>>I'm not sure, John. I can usually, but not always figure out when
>>DX comes back to someone else when I'm transmitting split. It does
>>depend very heavily on the level of racket on the RX frequency !!
>>Unfortunately its normal to have 30 over 9 Europeans on the DX
>>frequency most of the time. But its not unusual to find US stations
>>there as well if the band is open. If I have a clear RX channel on
>>40m then the band is dead ...
>>I suspect that the changeover is a shade slower; the VFO has to
>>as well as the relays and I have no idea exactly how long it takes
>>lock onto the RX channel again. Again, it depends on sending speed
>>some extent. At 30 wpm the dots are pretty close together and I
>>not be surprised to find that I actually detect breakers in the
>>inter-character spaces rather than between dots.
>>John G3JAG

E-Mail: patents@dx0man.prestel.co.uk
Date: 07-Feb-99
Time: 20:36:58
John Crux
Consultant in product forgery - Asia and


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