[TenTec] New Ten Tec 6m/2m Rig
Tue, 9 Feb 1999 10:36:07 -0500
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>From the "Members Only" portion of the ARRL web site...
Ten-Tec Model 526 All-Mode VHF Transceiver
Let's face it. Ten-Tec is not the first company that comes to mind when you
think about a piece of VHF gear. A while back,
the folks in Sevierville, Tennessee, came out with a nice little 2-meter
mobile transceiver kit, but the Model 526--which is
not yet available but which will debut formally at this year's Dayton
Hamvention--is the first ready-built product of its type.
It also will be Amateur Radio's first IF-DSP VHF all-mode transceiver.
The 526 will cover 6 and 2 meters with 20 W on each band variable to less
than 1 W via a front-panel control. Here's what
else the Model 526 will offer (specs are preliminary, but we've been told
these are pretty firm):
CW/SSB/FM modes
Separate SO-239 ports for each band
DSP-based filtering, with approximately 30 filters selectable, 250 Hz to 1
kHz in 50-Hz steps and 1 to 2.8 kHz in 100-Hz steps
100 memories (or more)
Memory scanning
Standard FM repeater offsets, programmable for odd splits
CTCSS encode (but no decode available)
Low-level transverter drive from 144 MHz for microwave transverter use
The 526 is expected to be available this summer. Ten-Tec has set a $695
"target" price, but notes that figure is not firm.
A photo of the Model 526 is not yet available, but the transceiver will
measure 2.75
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=B4 8.5 =B4 8.75 inches (HWD).
It will draw up to 6 A on transmit and less than 1 A on receive (@ 13.8=
Manufacturer: Ten-Tec, 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862;
sales@tentec.com; http://www.tentec.com; tel 423-453-7172.
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/tentecfaq.htm
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