[TenTec] OMNI VI + RIT

dacalvin@us.ibm.com dacalvin@us.ibm.com
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:11:31 -0600

For the sake of completeness, you can also tap the "Clear" button (under
the keypad) once and the RIT/XIT offset is immediately returned to zero.

     73,   Duane   AC5AA

Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS   RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX      >O<     Tie: 793-3368

"Michael A. Newell" <wb4huc@texas.net> on 02/10/99 10:20:10 PM

To:   tentec@contesting.com
cc:    (bcc: Duane Calvin/Austin/IBM)
Subject:  Re: [TenTec] OMNI VI + RIT

 Also, if the RIT is active you can just press the RIT button
and hold it in. You'll hear a beep, and the RIT will "center"
itself, that is return to a zero offset. XIT works the same


Mike -- WB4HUC
Austin, TX

Dale L. Martin wrote:

> >
> >I operated an Omni VI while visiting W1AW last week. That was
> the first
> >time I'd ever operated the Omni VI or even seen one close up. I
> never
> >could find a way to turn the RIT control off and there was no
> center
> >detent on the adjustable RIT control. That was a little annoying
> to me
> >and is a concern as I consider the Omni VI+ for my home station.
> >
> >Did I just miss the RIT off/on switch or does no one but me see
> this as
> >problematic?
> Hi, Jeff.
> Yes.
> That is, yes, you missed it.  It's at the intersection of the top
> row buttons over the main tuning knob and band/frequency keypad
> and the VFO A/B/Split button column.
> It doesn't have a detent.  I have been doing the School Club
> Roundup from our club station at work (W5RRR) and the IC781 there
> doesn't have a detent in the RIT--I haven't operated our FT1000
> or TS950 in some time, so can't speak to their RIT's
> lack/possession of a detent.  Personally, I don't tune for the
> detent, I simply tune for good audio/note.  If it's near 0.00,
> fine.  If not, fine.
> Hardly an issue on which to base the purchase or non-purchase of
> such a significant (and excellent) radio.
> Get one.  You won't miss the detent.
> 73,
> dale, kg5u
> --
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