[TenTec] Spurious signals in my Corsair II

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. geraldj@ames.net
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 11:39:45 -0600

The Corsair II is very sensitive. Could be picking up images or other LO
mixer products. One day I was tuning 28 MHz and heard a signal I
identified as a ham that I only knew to be on 75. Sure enough he was on
75 at FULL scale. Logical for a 5 mile spacing and using a 75 meter
antenna for 10m. Your other radios will have different mixing schemes,
different IF frequencies and so won't hear the same signal at the same
frequency unless that signal is in the ham band. Using a link coupled
antenna tuner for 10 meter should help cut down on the unwanted signals.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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