[TenTec] Like new 525D package and goodies FS

Edwin G. Dooley, Jr. Edwin G. Dooley, Jr." <edooley@ibm.net
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 11:48:11 -0600

It is with some hesitation that I am offering my Argosy II for sale.

If you have been waiting for a like new Digital Argosy II, model 525D, to
purchase, this is your lucky day. You will not find a nicer Argosy II,
unless you are lucky enough to find one that is actually NIB. The 525 and
525D are my favorite Ten Tec's, an elegant and straight forward single
conversion design, that is easily field aligned/serviced/maintained by a
reasonably competent ham.

Here's the deal:

Argosy 525D, with the 1126 linear switch kit installed, and original manual.
Regretfully, it does not have the 223A blanker.

matching power supply 225, also like new, with original manual, and box.

1125 Circuit breaker kit, NIB. A must have for running the Argosy off of DC
other than that supplied by the 225.

222 Mobile mounting bracket, also NIB. Although the Argosy makes a nice
mobile rig, (I ran an analog Argosy, #211, that way when I was in school in
the early 80's and had a ball with it) this Argosy is way too nice to run
mobile, but the bracket is included anyway.

$525, plus packing and shipping for the above items (3 boxes).

I hate to sell the Argosy, but it and the power supply are just bagged in
heavy plastic and sitting on a shelf in my ham shack going unused. I have a
plethora of Drake and Collins radios now and it is unlikely that the Argosy
will ever be on the air from WB5KOM. If you subscribe to QRP-l some of you
may have noticed, a year or so ago, a post about a ham working the South
Shetland islands with one watt from an Argosy. W5JAY had borrowed this
Argosy and made the QSO and post. That was the last time this 525D was on
the air.

I also have the following accessory items, that will not be sold until after
the 525D package sells, so that the 525D buyer can have first choice among
them to complete the station:

227 matching tuner, like new with box and manual $100
220 2.4 kc 8 pole SSB filter    $50
217 0.5 kc 8 pole CW  filter    $50
224 replica audio filter kit (NIB, unbuilt)  $30
215P banana mic in average condition   $40

Thanks for the bandwidth.


Win Dooley WB5KOM
(501) 785-5313

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