[TenTec] Proud owner of an RX-10, and TT visit.

Jim Lowman jmlowman@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 11:20:46 -0800

Paul R. Valko wrote:

> I was honored to be the first non-TT employee to get to see the new
> dual-band (6M and 2M) all-mode rig.  It looks like a winner.  The IF DSP
> is really cool and puts TT on the cutting edge of ham rig technology.

That's a new one on me!  Didn't even know that T-T was marketing such an
animal...it fills a niche that has needed to be filled for some time

Guess I'll have to visit the T-T web site more often.  :-)

73 de Jim - AD6CW

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