[TenTec] Century 22?
Paul R. Valko
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:19:09 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, K & H Darwin wrote:
> How easy is it to find C22's? I'm interested in getting one again but
> haven't seen any listed for sale anywhere. Are they as tough to get as the
> 515?? Were there any options for the C22 or was everything built in?
The C22 is really had to find because few were sold. I had a 515 years
before I got my C22 (which is a HUGE improvement over the C21).
The C22 had an external PS. There was a keyer option.
> Of course I owned a 515 with all the options and a C22. Both have been
> sold.
You never win by selling a tentec.
73! =paul= W8KC
Collector of Ten*Tecs and other fine plastics
> Kick Kick Kick Kick Kick. (the sound of me kicking myself).
> Keith Darwin
> KD1E
> Ferrisburg, VT
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