[TenTec] OMNI-6+ audio gain control

Scott Howell whowell@hq.nasa.gov
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 08:42:29 -0500

ok, I'll add my two cents worth. My Omni V also has a very sensative audio
knob. Just a little tiny turn and she's blasting loud. I use a pair of
Kenwood HS5 headsets which may contribute to this.
Oh, did I mention I love that Omni? what a rig.

At 08:40 AM 1/24/99 -0500, Bill Cook wrote:
>Roy Koeppe wrote:
>>  Anyone else notice that the audio out pot has all of its useful
>> levels range crammed into the lower eighth-inch or so of travel,
>> making it ultra critical? Wonder what the best way would be to "band
>> spread" this control? 73,    K6XK
>  Let me know if you find an "Audio Taper" potentiometer that will fit
>in the same place as the original "Linear Taper" pot.
>Bill Cook    N4WC
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