[TenTec] Omni V tuning knob "chatter"...

Steve Ellington N4LQ N4LQ@iglou.com
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:25:21 -0500

About all I can tell you is that TenTec used at least two different encoder
manufactures and one was far superior to the other. The one I had was very
very smooth. BTW. That radio is now owned by W4DES and I think it's for
sale. Maybe you could buy it and sell yours if you want the ultimate Omni V.
73 Steve

>My Omni V tuning knob has a "chatter" or "rattle" when I turn it very fast.
>Its not a big problem mind you, just a minor annoyance on an otherwise
>feeling control panel. I opened it up and looked at the Clarostat shaft
>encoder that the knob is tied to and found that the chatter is actually in
>the shaft encoder itself. I can feel it when I just turn the knob on the
>Clarostat device.
>Is this normal? Or is the bearing in mine wearing out? Has anybody had any
>success improving this condition?
>- Tom
>       Tom Scott     -    Wyle Electronics    -    KD7DMH
>       10300 SW Nimbus Ave #PB, Portland, OR 97223
>       503-603-1931 - TEL   503-684-6620 - FAX
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