[TenTec] a mod for the speech board, Omni V

Scott Howell whowell@hq.nasa.gov
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 09:55:57 -0500

I have the board that speaks the freq for the Omni V. I am having a small
problem with a mod I got from Tentec.
I hope someone can help.
I need to solder a 1000 Micro Farad cap acrossed pins 4 and 8 on the little
chip which is on the upper left side of the board, just below the volume pot.
I have had this mod done twice with no success. The wining it is to curer
goes away, but so does the speech.
Has anyone done this mod? Also let me be sure I got the proper pins.

if you are looking at the board so its facing you (the componet side) and
the chip is as I said, upper left.
As you look at this chip in this orientation, is pin 1 the pin in the upper
right corner of the chip or upper left. Please note the notch on the chip
in this orientation is pointing to the right.
I for the life of me can't figure why this isn't working. The two folks
that have tried insured no solder bridges bla bla etc. The cap is the
correct type and size from Tentec.

tnx very much. This noise is absolutely irritating when a headset is used.
Its not so bad until you tighten up the rcvr when working cw.

73 de Scott/n3byy
Fists #5030

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