[TenTec] AGC: ON or OFF Survey
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 11:56:51 -0700 (PDT)
(In response to Jim's polling of AGC use on cw)
Must confess to hardly ever leaving fast AGC mode,
although I will start experimenting on cw with it off.
If I could interject another question into this
discussion or perhaps start another one on DSP:
As a relative Omni newcomer, I'm a little confused
about the heaps of praise being bestowed on the Omni's
DSP in many recent postings. Please correct me, but
isn't the DSP limited to auto notch filter, low pass
filtering and noise reduction (guess you might call it
audio peaking Jim)? I think they work okay, don't use
them all that much, but I can't help but think I'm
missing something when I hear so much praise for them.
Occasionally the NR will help make a barely readable
signal more readable in QRN, autonotch might reject
the jerk tuning up on a SSB QSO freq and lastly, I
probably should try using LP more in crowded SSB
condx. That's about the extent of how I imagine using
the Omni's DSP. Any hints on making the most of the
DSP that I (& others) might be missing out on?
Barry N1EU
--- Jim Reid <jreid@aloha.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> How many of you, when on CW, run the "old" way:
> Turn the AGC OFF, with the RF gain backed off, and
> with the audio turned full up. That's the way we
> did it in
> the old days using the tube rigs. You adjusted the
> "loudness" of the signal which you listened to with
> the RF gain control.
> Benefit of this method is/was to keep the noise
> level down,
> now however, with the OmniVI+, with the in-built,
> IF filters,
> combined DSP and CW audio peaking, I find the "old"
> way not that useful anymore. Any still using it?
> If so,
> why, or under what circumstances, perhaps because
> you don't have DSP or APF, hi.
> 73, Jim, KH7M
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