[TenTec] Omni VI+ Freq "Jump"

Bernie Skoch K5XS@compuserve.com
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 16:27:37 -0400

  Sorry to hear of your plight,
  I called them today.  I got the usual (for me, anyway) superb treatment
on the phone.
I was asked if I had a 10Hz-resolution freq counter handy.  I answered I
have one,
but it hasn't been calibrated in so long I can't trust it.  So, they asked
that I please
ship it to them at their expense (which I thought gracious).
  I can't complain about the repair job it just had.  I was popping the
breaker on
full-power transmit.  They fixed a bad connection in the PA section, did a
complete alignment,
did a few mods, and shipped it back to me for under $97.  I thought that
was more than fair.
  I'll let you (and the others here) know how it goes.  As it turns out I'm
headed to
Canada for a week with my scouts, so that will be the perfect time to have
it out of

Message text written by INTERNET:andrenr@ul.com
>Hi Bernie,

On my VI, the jump is also transmitted, but only on 10M for me.  If you 
find the fix, could you please forward any info to me?  I've spent hundreds

of dollars trying to get TT to repair my VI since I bought it new six years

ago.  They simply cannot repair it, but sure know how to charge me for a 
bad repair job like you.

73, Rick AE9D
Original Text
From: "Bernie Skoch" <K5XS@compuserve.com>, on 7/5/99 2:47 PM:
I seem to recall reading about htis here some time ago...Now I am smitten
with it.

Just got my Omni VI+ from Ten-Tec service (it had a PA problem).   I asked
also that they do a 
complete alignment on RX, which they did.  Rig worked like a charm for
about 30 days.

Now I notice:

When I am in CW mode (noticed on 10, 15, and 20 meter bands), the rig
apparently jumps up in freq 
about 1KHz.  The indicated frequency stays the same, but received signals
just "pop" up,
and I need to retune down to retune them into the bandpass.  If I have
don't have a 250 or 500
Hz filter in line, I can hear the received signal suddenly down the band 1

I haven't listened on another rig to hear if the transmitted freq is

Seems I recall reading here about a trimmer cap on a PLL circuit related to

Any clues?

73 and thanks.

Bernie Skoch

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