[TenTec] FS: Argosy I

K1epj@aol.com K1epj@aol.com
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 18:34:06 EDT

For sale TenTec Argosy I. 80-10 meter CW/SSB 50/5 watt analog display 
transceiver. This rig was recently repaired/tuned up at the factory. It 
includes Model 220 8 pole IF filter, 500Hz CW filter, Model 226 Crystal 
calibrator, Model 224 audio CW filter, Model 223 noise blanker, mobile 
mounting bracket, manual and Ten Tec shipping container. It is in excellent 
electical condition and has a very hot receiver. I can "demo" on the air on 
40, 20, 15 or 10 meters. The face plate is pefect, however the top case has a 
few scratches. 
$395 plus shipping from 03858
Dave K1EPJ

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