[TenTec] [Ten Tec] Omni VI plus - noise
Piotr Tomczak
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 08:57:54 +0100
Thanks to those who replied...The case is not close yet...
I have received one confirmation that I am not creasy (other has the same
RF noise
problem) and four other with more relatated answers.
The summary is that one says that there is a design problem with that model.
Other says that the gain is much higher then on the other known radios and
that it is
the case.
To clearify the situations I state that there must be a fabrication problem
since the increase of the gain from the point where there is no noise to the
MAX RF gain position, does not increase a received stations signal, it
increases only
the noise.
I do have the same noise situation even when running on DUMMY,
NO antenna connected or with a good resonant antenna on all bands.
(Verticals, Yagi, dipoles)
I further state that there is no need for high RF gain (if it was the case)
which does
the only ting - amplification of the noise and not the signals.
To summary that case I will do as suggested, decrease the gain and be happy
some weeks before I try to rebuild the input stage...
If any one have more on that subject please send me a INFO.
LA9HFA (Drake and TenTec user)
· ·
Piotr Tomczak Ham call: la9hfa
Nera ASA Tel: +47 6724 3135 Fax: +47 6724 4445
1361 Billingstad E-mail job: pito@satcom.nera.no
Norway E-mail home: la9hfa@qsl.net
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