N1EU n1eu@yahoo.com
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 11:56:27 -0400 (EDT)

Just a quick comment that I think there should be room
for all in the TT Reflector gang - those who are
totally satisfied with their rigs as they are, and
those who are critical of their rigs or wish to push
to improve the performance of their rigs.

I'm happy with the performance of my Omni, yet it
seems to have its share of "quirks", and I would
welcome the development of new mods to improve its

Barry  N1EU

--- "Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>
> Well stated.
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Arthur R Bernstein [mailto:n2ka@juno.com] 
> Sent:	Thursday, July 22, 1999 8:18 PM
> To:	tentec@contesting.com
> Subject:	[TenTec] GADZOOKS! PICKY, PICKY, PICKY!!!!
> Holy Mackell--can't  believe what I've been reading
> on the reflector
> about the OMNI VIs.
> Don't youze guyze (or y'all) have lives? Maybe when
> we pass through those
> Pearly Gates there will be a perfect radio 'awaitin'
> us without any hiss,
> clicks, beeps, blips, etc.
> The OMNI isn't perfect, nor are the imports. Let's
> just recognize that
> simple fact. I happen to really like my OMNI VI/OPT
> 3. Been a ham almost
> 38 years and have had a bunch of radios. This is
> quite possibly the best.
> Never owned an FT-1000 or 1000MP,
> IC-781, TS-950SDX or the similar-couldn't afford any
> of them, thankfully.
> Have had my OMNI for 5 1/2 years, work mostly CW, a
> large part of my time
> is on 160 meters where I have 128 countries on a 60
> X 100 ft. plot, 346
> countries overall. This radio can't be a piece of
> crap, as many of our
> compatriots are trying to allude to!!
> Noise: Sure there's internal noise, high frequency
> hiss. For the most
> part it's not objectionable. If you're going to sit
> on a dead band and
> listen to hiss, you really need your head examined.
> With any decent
> amount of activity, I'd rather listen to signals. If
> still objectionable,
> click on the LP. I do find the audio frequency
> response on SSB receive,
> on the infrequent times I use it, to be on the
> treble or high frequency
> side. A little annoying, but still better than the
> muddy, bassy audio
> from past Yaesu and Drakes I had. I think this could
> have been addressed
> with better audio shaping. I'm not an engineer and I
> can live with it. I
> can live with a little bit of keying thumps. Been
> too lazy to disconnect
> that little connector. I applaud those of you who
> have the financial
> wherewithall who have pumped hundreds of dollars
> into a fine radio to
> "upgrade" the filtering system. Interesting, but I
> guess I'll pass on
> that. Kids gotta' eat. Filters are nutrient poor.
> Guys, stop bitching. Get on the air and work some
> DX. Remember the OMNI
> VI is a real comfortable, easy to use, high
> performance radio and
> considering everything, including the Ten-Tec
> Company with its excellent
> accessibility and support, a great bargain!!
> Now I can get back on the air.
> 73,
> Art, N2KA..
> Get the Internet just the way you want it.
> Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access
> for a month!
> Try Juno Web: http://dl.www.juno.com/dynoget/tagj.
> --
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