[TenTec] VI Monitor and Contesting

RICHARD ANDREN andrenr@ul.com
Mon, 28 Jun 99 10:48:53 CDT

On the SM3CER contest calendar page there is a poll asking who uses which 
radio's for contesting.  According to the current poll of contesters, there 
are a good number of TT's being used, but I'm sure there would be more if 
Omni's had a monitor for ssb.  But what contester can use an Omni and a 
DVK?  You'll never hear your recording, and it's a necessity for serious 
ssb contests.  Do you hear me TT?  I don't want to start another thread on 
future TT radio's, but for contesters, a ssb monitor and two separate vfo's 
are necessary.

73, Rick AE9D (ex N9THC)

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