[TenTec] Message from the List Administrator

Jim Lowman jmlowman@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 17:20:24 -0700


Please be sure, when you send messages to the tentec list, that
you don't send MIME or HTML.  I've had a couple of complaints about
both.  Makes the digests and archives look terrible, among other

Thanks for your cooperation.  This is my favorite list, next to QRP-L.
Lots of good information and assistance passed around, with rather
little noise.

Had an enjoyable conversation with Scott at the Ten-Tec Sales
Department this morning/afternoon, depending on our time zone.  Scott
mentioned that someone at T-T has read every single article from our
tentec list, for the past three years or so.  He doesn't post a great
deal, but will jump in there to correct discrepancies in facts, as he
did recently with the Omni VI/VI+ factory upgrade issue.  Just one more
example of T-Ts dedication to the customer.  They DO listen!

73 de Jim - AD6CW

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