[TenTec] INRADS in Omni VI+
Jim Reid
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 15:40:38 -1000
Ok, have put this off a long time. But today ordered
from George at INRAD the pair of "new" 2.8kHz
filters: 8 poles at both the 9 MHz ( IRD #754) and 6Mhz
(IRD #755) boards. Will replace the TT "standard"
2.4kHz filters at both sites.
Also will introduce the new 10 pole INRAD 2.4kHz (#757)
filter to the 6 MHz site, replacing the TT 1.8 (#288)
in the first "option" filter slot. Will move the 1.8 TT filter
to the second slot, here the TT 285 optional 500 Hz
filter usually would be.
And am going to remove the 250 Hz filter (TT #282) in the
third slot of the 6 MHz IF, and replace it with the 400 Hz
IRAD CW filter (#700).
I just do not seem to have need for the 250 Hz
CW IF filters.
Also, in the 9Mhz strip, in addition to replacing the
"hidden" TT standard 2.4kHz filter with the INRAD
#754 2.8 filter, will place the "new" 9MHz 2.4kHz
INRAD #756 at N1. And for CW at the first IF, will be
placing the INRAD #753, 400Hz unit at N2.
So will have a VI+ with six INRAD filters, and left with
one TT filter, the optional 1.8 for SSB. I believe this
will just about optimize my VI+ for my CW-SSB operating
habits. Sure looking forward to getting these installed
and tried out!
Now, must figure out how to change the lettering
on the five rig filter selecting buttons, the gray-
blue ones. Would like to have them reading,
left to right: 2.4, 1.8, 400, 2.4, and 400 .
Anyone found a way to do this? Can the plastic
buttons just be pulled off and moved about, or
perhaps replaced with other button heads?
Of course, if they are moveable, I can just
move the 1.8 button over one slot.
If these work out as I anticipate, will have several TT
filters to sell, including, at 250 Hz BW, #'s 221 and
282; and the two "standard" TT 2.4kHz filters, one
at 9 and the other at 6 MHz, and the TT 500 Hz
BW #'s 217 and 285
73, Jim, KH7M
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