[TenTec] FS: Omni-D C (546C) + PS
Bahr, Casey
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 11:29:19 -0800
Omni-D C Series (546D) and matching 255 Deluxe PS (includes speaker).
The best of the D's.
Covers 160 - 10 M (inc. WARC). Has 3 each, independent AF / IF filters
(0.5/1.8/2.4 KHz IF filters included), notch, 2 range offset (RX/TX/TX-RX),
full QSK, etc.
To find out more specs on this rig see:
Electrically a 10 out of 10, recent factory PTO-rebuild/alignment, works
on SSB or CW. Cosmetically 9+ out of 10, no faceplate scratches. You won't
a cleaner rig than this. Glad to give an on-air demonstration. Reason for
collecting dust since acquiring a TR7.
$550 plus shipping in two boxes. (I will do the packing, no 3rd party
Will knock off $50 if you don't want the 500 Hz filter. Price is firm.
e-mail: casey@imagina.com or call 503-642-3547.
Cheers es 73,
Casey, KS7J
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