[TenTec] sell: OMNI V w/ Remote tuning knob

Steve Zettel zettel@montanasky.net
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 10:12:27 -0700

>Hi- I have for sale an OMNI V Ten tec HF transceiver and the ten Tec 301
>remote tuning knob.
> The OMNI V has all the filters to 250 Hz, and with a 500 Hz filter in
>the Narrow position. No FM or voice annunciator. Matching power supply
>is available, but I'd just as soon keep it.
> $1100 for the OMNI, $175 for the knob, $125 for the power supply. Yes,
>I will split them, but not the filters.
> 73 de dave in NH

Don't you have those figures reversed, Dave?

Shouldn't it be:

$1100 for the 301, $175 for the Omni, and $125 for the power supply?    8^)


Steve Zettel  KJ7CH
near Libby, MT USA

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