[TenTec] Poping in receiver????

Michael O. Hyder Michael O. Hyder" <N4NT@wireco.net
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 18:32:45 -0500

Was the same 'action' 'appropriate' for the CORSAIR II, PARAGON, OMNI V,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim <JNance2@Ibm.net>
To: Ten Tec <Tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Friday, March 05, 1999 6:05 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Poping in receiver????

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jim [mailto:JNance2@Ibm.net]
>Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 4:51 AM
>To: Alan Slusher
>Subject: RE: [TenTec] Poping in receiver????
>This is on receive and monitoring only I noticed the loud pop
>On strong received signals every time the strong station keyed. All replied
>mentioning items in or around the home could cause the problem and thanks
>all for your replies.
>I decided to get TENTEC repair on the phone line and let him listen to the
>problem. He was able to hear the problem and felt that it is an AGC problem
>within the rig and I have taken the appropriate action.
>73 de KE4WY Jim

                           << AND >>

>I recently received a like new Paragon II and notice something I have
>observed in other TENTEC's. Every so often I hear a poping noise in the
>receiver that makes the S meter deflect. I have noticed this in the CORSAIR
>II, PARAGON, OMNI V and I believe the OMNI VI and VI PLUS. It is very
>annoying when wearing head phones and listening to the pop in the receiver.
>Is there a fix or mod for this problem??????
>73 de KE4WY Jim

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