[TenTec] Mobiling for FISTS points
Bahr, Casey
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 15:54:15 -0800
Hi All,
Well, since I'll be using a Ten-Tec radio and Ten-Tecs are known
for their great CW, I thought I could stretch the charter here... ;)
I will be making a push to finish my FISTS Mobile Century
Award this weekend, 9 AM to 3 PM PST both Sat. and Sun.
on 20-15-10 meters at or near the FISTS calling frequency.
Will be trying to make the QSOs brief to get as many points
as possible, but will also hand out our club call, K7FFF, worth
3 pts.) as an incentive. ;)
Rig is Ten-Tec Scout, antennas will be either hamsticks or
a High Sierra screwdriver, 50 W out. Vehicle, my XYL's
MPV or the '70 Land Cruiser. Obviously, I won't be on
continuously as that is a lot of driving, hi!
Would love to work as many TT radios as possible.
vy 73,
Casey, KS7J/M
Casey Bahr, KS7J, FISTS #3648, CC #450, FNW #1
Trustee, FISTS Northwest, K7FFF, FISTS #4400, CC #457
Vista Valley FISTS CW Club, K6FFF, FISTS #4444
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