[TenTec] Centry 21 as a rig

Joe L Blackwell aa4nn@juno.com
Wed, 5 May 1999 16:15:48 -0400

On Wed, 05 May 1999 12:47:17 -0400 Scott Howell <whowell@hq.nasa.gov>
>I for one would like to know a bit about the Centry 21. 
Hi Scott,

I used a Century/21 for years and enjoyed the little rig, compact but
still heavy with the build-in power supply.  One thing you might want to
consider, the Century/21 receives both sidebands like older rigs, so
that can be confusing at times, on the other hand if you get QRM'd on
the proper CW sideband you can RIT to the other side and copy as well.
It has a zerobeat button for getting on freq.  It can't handle VSWR very
well, and will shut itself down if you are running full power (70W ?)
into a mismatch approaching 2 to 1.  You can run battery or 110vac.
The back panel has an aux 12VDC out,  or you can backfeed a car
battery into it and work just fine.  Be sure to use a breaker, tho.
Now, the Triton IV (540 or 544) would be an excellent portable rig.  Lots
of power, good receive capability.  I ran one on battery for years.  2
de Joe, AA4NN

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