[TenTec] OMNI6 mobile?
Tyler Barnett
Thu, 6 May 1999 08:08:23 -0400 (EDT)
I've discovered CW mobile. A new frontier I suppose.
I'm using a borrowed Scout for now, but want to upgrade.
My choices seem to be narrowed to the IC706 or FT100, or
older Tentec gear, none of which fits in my JA truck.
I got the bright idea of mounting another OMNI6 on the
hump of the extended cab, that is, behind me in the
middle of the truck, and using a 301 remote knob for
tuning up front. I would then mount a strategically-placed
mirror on the console pointing at the front panel
to read the frequency backwards. I've got a few other
issues to resolve, all of which can be built into a decent
sized minibox: external volume control, CMOS II keyer,
remote knob, power switch, SWR bridge, etc.
I see 2 advantages: it's bound to be one of the best
mobile rigs in terms of performance, and I can pull it
from the truck, sit it down next to my other OMNI6 and
use it for 2-radio contesting. Then sell the IC-765 that
currently does this. It's a good radio, but hey....
Has anybody done this? Am I off my proverbial rocker?
Tyler N4TY
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