[TenTec] OMNI6 mobile?

Paul Plasters peplasters@rockford.com
Thu, 06 May 1999 16:30:45 -0500

Off your rocker you ask?  Why would you ask that?
I see no problem at all.  Of course before the Scout, I used to run a
Kenwood TS 520 mobile.  I am sure people thought I was off my rocker,
except no one had the B----s to tell me to my face, as I might have tied
their hands to the antenna and called CQ CQ CQ.  (Just kidding of course).
The Kenwood worked good as a mobile rig, so I am sure the OMNI will work
73 and good mobile hamming, Paul K9PEP

At 08:08 AM 5/6/99 -0400, Tyler Barnett wrote:
>I've discovered CW mobile.  A new frontier I suppose.
>I'm using a borrowed Scout for now, but want to upgrade.
>My choices seem to be narrowed to the IC706 or FT100, or
>older Tentec gear, none of which fits in my JA truck.
>I got the bright idea of mounting another OMNI6 on the 
>hump of the extended cab, that is, behind me in the
>middle of the truck, and using a 301 remote knob for
>tuning up front.  I would then mount a strategically-placed
>mirror on the console pointing at the front panel
>to read the frequency backwards.  I've got a few other 
>issues to resolve, all of which can be built into a decent
>sized minibox:  external volume control, CMOS II keyer,
>remote knob, power switch, SWR bridge, etc.
>I see 2 advantages:  it's bound to be one of the best 
>mobile rigs in terms of performance, and I can pull it
>from the truck, sit it down next to my other OMNI6 and
>use it for 2-radio contesting.  Then sell the IC-765 that
>currently does this.  It's a good radio, but hey....
>Has anybody done this?  Am I off my proverbial rocker? 
>Tyler N4TY
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