[TenTec] OMNI6 mobile?

cmurcko chuck@topsail.org
Fri, 07 May 1999 02:54:52 -0400

Yes, I'd concur with this if an under the dash mount were used. I've used a
Paragon I mobile, but that radio always sat on a seat, with a seat belt.
Really. Never had problems that way, but it certainly wasn't a permanent
mounting. The radio didn't stay in the car.

Steve Ellington wrote:

> > Has anybody done this?  Am I off my proverbial rocker?
> I don't think the Omni series would hold up under a lot of vibration.
> The connectors would probably start giving you trouble, filters would
> shake loose etc. The 706 is built like a brick. Don't know about the FT100
> yet.

73, KE3KR
Chuck Murcko

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