[TenTec] OMNI 6+ or FT1000MP

Paul Christensen paulc@mediaone.net
Sat, 8 May 1999 14:47:22 -0400

I own both transceivers and you can see them side-by-side at:


I'm not going to get into another comparison.  However, note that of the two
radios, it's the Omni Six Plus that has front-and-center honors at W9AC.


-Paul, W9AC

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Robson <crobson@erie.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 1999 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI 6+ or FT1000MP

> At 10:48 PM 5/7/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >A question for those of you who have personally operated BOTH an OMNI VI+
> >and an FT1000MP:  If you could own ONLY ONE of these rigs and wanted to
> >BOTH cw and ssb contests, which do you buy?  (I know, I know - fat chance
> >contester would own only one of anything, but what if...)  Remember,
> >only if you have personal, first-hand experience operating BOTH rigs (I
> >already have enough expert opinions from operators of only one or the
> >other), okay?  Thank you!
> >
> >73,
> >de ke5c,
> >op John
> Hi John & the Rest of the Gang,
> I have had the pleasure of running at Contest station K3TUP and that setup
> uses 4 contesting seats with all matching equipment and the rigs are
> FT-1000MPs. I found the FT-1000 to be a nice contest rig and an good
> receiver however the knobs are small and is not layed out in a convenient
> manner and the more used devices in a contest situation are hard to find
> unless you operate the radio full time. Running split was sometimes
> confusing on the FT-1000 and switching filters and using DSP was sometimes
> difficult when operating in the heat of the battle. I find the Omni VI
> layout much less cluttered and knobs are made for larger hands. The
> is sharper and the DSP much easier to use in the heat of the battle.  I
> prefer the full break-in on the Omni over the FT-1000. I guess if Ten Tec
> didn't exist, I would own the FT-1000 MP, however My first choice is the
> Ten Tec Omni-VI, second choice FT-1000 MP.
> This is my opinion, Each to their own.
> 73, Chris KB3A
> --
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